Monday 12 September 2011


When you see people on the balconies you realize all the houses of Paris aren't museums. They are so beautiful they seem so, though.


"Oh, everything is so cheap!" ; "My god, we just payed more than hundred Euros for this!"
After shopping in Ikea.
After not finding the right bus stop, not having a map, you just have a right to look like this. 


- Let's have a lunch together! 
- Okay, we'll cook in my residence, we have a table in our kitchen, you don't. 
- Okay, what shall we cook? 
- I've got some raviolis.
- I'll make lentils with rice. You have some pots?
There the complications started.

One pot, one pan, too little plates and non functioning stoves. 
Result? Eating out from the lid, cooking for two hours and a half. And cooking raviolis... in a pan.


Weather in Paris seems much like the one in London these days; it's raining for two seconds then the sun comes out and it totally burns your skin. So you don't only have acne from the dirty metropolis but you also get a nicely red face. Paris has faces, too.


  1. Nika ... It's Friday and this was posted on Monday. Can you feel a gap between?

  2. Were the ravioli actually cooked? (x

  3. Iva, yes I can! :D

    Ravioli were cooked, yeah. Multi purpose pan! :)
